무료로 사용 가능한 인물사진(100,000 free AI-generated headshots put stock photo companies on notice100,000 free AI-generated headshots put stock photo companies on notice)

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라이센스 필요 없는 인물사진을(이제 200만장이 넘어가고 있음) AI 기술을 이용하여 무료 배포하고 있으며, 제공하고 있는 얼굴 사진의 Feature들은 아래와 같음

  • Consistent lighting
  • Consistent sizing
  • Range of angle, position
  • Range of facial expressions
  • Wide variety of ethnicities
  • All ages
  • All face shapes

100,000 free AI-generated headshots put stock photo companies on notice100,000 free AI-generated headshots put stock photo companies on notice

Generated Photos

Source: https://generated.photos/

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