A Complete Guide to Breadth-First Search (BFS): From Theory to Python Implementation

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Breadth-First Search (BFS) is a popular search algorithm widely used in graph or tree data structures. BFS explores all the neighboring nodes at the present depth before moving on to nodes at the next depth level. In other words, BFS traverses the graph or tree layer by layer.

In this post, we’ll explore the theoretical background of BFS, discuss the necessary data structures, and provide a detailed Python implementation.

Theoretical Background of BFS

Breadth-First Search (BFS) is an efficient method for visiting nodes in a graph or tree structure. It starts at a given node, visits all its neighboring nodes first, and then moves on to the next set of nodes at the following depth level. This approach is highly useful when searching for the shortest path between two nodes in a graph.

Key Features of BFS

Order of Visit

BFS visits the closest nodes first before moving on to nodes further away.

Shortest Path

BFS is particularly well-suited for finding the shortest path in graphs where all edges have the same weight.

Queue Usage

BFS uses a queue data structure to manage the nodes during the search process. The queue follows a FIFO (First In, First Out) order, ensuring that nodes are processed in the order they were added.


BFS will visit all nodes in a finite graph.

Data Structures

To implement BFS effectively, it’s important to understand a few key data structures.


A graph is composed of nodes (vertices) and edges that connect them. In BFS, the graph is traversed by visiting each node and its edges, and it can be represented using an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix.


BFS uses a queue to manage the search process. Since a queue follows the FIFO order, the first node added is the first one processed. BFS adds nodes to the queue in the order they are encountered.

Visited Set

To avoid revisiting nodes, BFS keeps track of the nodes that have already been visited. This is typically done using a set or list.

How BFS Works

The BFS algorithm operates in the following steps.

  1. Add the starting node to the queue and mark it as visited.
  2. Dequeue a node and visit it.
  3. Add all adjacent nodes of the current node to the queue (excluding already visited nodes).
  4. Repeat the process until the queue is empty.

BFS Implementation in Python

Let’s look at how BFS can be implemented in Python using a queue. In this implementation, we use the deque module from Python’s collections library to represent the queue.

from collections import deque

# Graph represented as an adjacency list
graph = {
    'A': ['B', 'C'],
    'B': ['D', 'E'],
    'C': ['F'],
    'D': [],
    'E': ['F'],
    'F': []

# BFS function
def bfs(start_node):
    visited = set()  # Set to track visited nodes
    queue = deque([start_node])  # Initialize the queue with the starting node

    while queue:
        node = queue.popleft()  # Remove a node from the queue
        if node not in visited:
            print(node, end=' ')  # Print the visited node
            visited.add(node)  # Mark the node as visited
            queue.extend(graph[node])  # Add adjacent nodes to the queue

# Start BFS

Code Explanation

  • graph: The graph is represented as an adjacency list where each node points to its adjacent nodes.
  • bfs function: This function performs BFS using a queue. It dequeues a node, checks if it has been visited, and if not, marks it as visited and adds its neighbors to the queue.
  • queue: The queue holds the nodes to be processed. Here, we add the adjacent nodes in the order they are encountered to ensure a correct breadth-first traversal.

Use Cases of BFS

BFS is applicable in various problem-solving scenarios, including:

  1. Shortest Path Search: Finding the shortest path between two nodes in an unweighted graph.
  2. Graph Search: Exploring all nodes in a graph or searching for specific nodes that meet certain conditions.
  3. Network Connectivity: Checking if all nodes in a network are connected.
  4. Maze Solving: Finding the shortest path to the exit of a maze.


In this post, we covered the theoretical background of Breadth-First Search (BFS), explored the necessary data structures, and demonstrated how to implement BFS in Python. BFS is a fundamental algorithm for traversing graphs and trees and is particularly effective when finding the shortest path between nodes. With the provided example code, I hope you now have a solid understanding of BFS and are ready to apply it to your own algorithmic challenges.

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