What is Machine Learning?

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“The field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed.”

Arthur Lee Samuel

What is a Machine?

Machine: A programmable computer

Arthur Lee Samuel popularized the term “Machine Learning” in 1959. Samuel’s checkers-playing program was one of the first successful self-learning programs, showcasing the basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at a very early stage.

What is Machine Learning?

We say that a computer program “learns” when its performance improves with experience.

The Relationship Between Data Mining and Machine Learning

Difference between Machine Learning & Statistical Modeling [Source: https://www.analyticsvidhya.com]

Current AI methodologies are based on a combination of various methodologies including statistics, deep learning, machine learning, pattern recognition, and natural language processing.

Data Mining vs. Machine Learning

“Data Mining” refers to the analysis of data from various perspectives and combining the results into useful information.

“Machine Learning” focuses on utilizing data mining and other learning algorithms to extract knowledge and use it as a basis for predicting the outcomes of future events in similar situations.

“Machine Learning” is often confused with “Data Mining,” as methods such as classification and clustering are used in both fields. In other words, the process of solving problems using techniques, models, and algorithms like classification, prediction, and clustering is referred to as Machine Learning from a computer science perspective, and as Data Mining from a statistical perspective.

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